Friday, October 18, 2024

Igel, Wasserbillig, Mertert, Manternach, Betzdorf, Oetrange, Berchem

I'm continuing my journey today. I will go from Trier in Germany to Luxembourg and further to Thionville in France.

It's foggy in the morning in Trier

Trier Hbf

Morning commuters to Luxembourg
The train from Koblenz is split into two here in Trier, one for Kaiserslautern, the other for Luxembourg
Igel station is the last one in Germany before entering Luxembourg
Here is what I came here for, the new Traxx Class 188 from CFL Cargo
188 062
There are 10 locomotives of this type from CFL Cargo. Yesterday, I saw one

At the same time, there is another Class 188 coming from Luxembourg.

Here they meet

188 069

Tomorrow, the line between Luxembourg and Trier is closed; there will be replacement buses.
Crossing the border shortly
I'm in Luxembourg, one of the smallest countries in Europe but also one of the richest
Wasserbillig station

Just few 100m away is Germany

There are 3 official languages in Luxembourg, but everybody speaks French

Compared to German stations, here there is better services with coffee and vending machines
Also, there is free Wifi
Since 2020, all public transport in Luxembourg has been free of charge. The ticket machines are still there, and you can buy tickets to neighboring countries for an additional fee for first class.

Mertert station

CFL Class 2000 is the same train as the SNCF Class 11500
These trains have been in service since 1990, but soon they will be replaced by Alstom Coradia Stream


A bit old infrastructure

At Betzdorf, I can finally spot a freight train - there are not many here today
And once again its Class 188
188 060

The Bumblebee livery

Nearby is the airport - Findel
Roodt Sur Syre


188 063 with LKW Walter semi trailers

The Owl livery

At Oetrange, the railway from Germany is split into two, the railway to Luxembourg is to the right, while the freight train is taking a bypass line to Berchem and further to Bettembourg

188 062


From Luxembourg I will continue further south to Thionville in France, but first, I will make a stop in Berchem

Here, there are much more trains than on the line to Germany. Also, there are some freight

French trains are frequent here

Lineas freight train 

Very bad weather today


Arriving to Thionville

There has been so much rain that some lines are closed in France