Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Lonato, Ala, Serravalle, Lavis, Peri, Domegliara, Castelnuovo Del Garda

I'm back in Italy, in this post I'm visiting stations near Verona and at the Brennero line
Lonato station near Verona

Near the station in Verona, there is a freight terminal. It is possible to see it near the south entrance to the main station

Museo di Castelvecchio in Verona
Ponte di Castelvecchio

On my way north
Ala station

Brenner railway is a busy one connecting Italy with the countries north of the Alps
Specially designed Brennerlok
412 014

Regional trains

6193 143, ecco-rail GmbH

652 056
193 648, EVM Rail S.r.l.

The train has new Helrom Trailer Rail technology; there is no need to lift up the trailer with a crane, the trailer wagon opens up on the side

652 062
Regionale Veloce

Pendolino EVO from Italo

The new Railjet has replaced Eurocity old wagons

494 584

405 008


186 287, Lokomotion Gesellschaft für Schienentraktion mbH

EU43-006, 002


193 731 and 193 641

Bring trailer, looks like it is on the way to Scandinavia



Dinner at Forst in Trento

Trento station

160 min delayed train

The new Railjet train


193 340 and 193 317

193 648 with Helrom trailer wagons

EU43-003 and 005

494 505

494 583

Fiat cars

193 558 and 193 550

1293 015 and 1293 040

The new Railjet has 9 wagons
One of the differences between the old and new Railjets, is that there is only 1 door per wagon
Also there are different levels in same wagon



Castelnuovo Del Garda
652 036

652 098

652 147

405 031