Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Vertrijk, Ezemaal

I'm on short trip to Belgium
While in Sweden it is still early Spring, here in Belgium, everything is already green
Reminder of upcoming elections
The railway through Hasselt is closed due to maintenance, so many freight trains are taking the railway through Tienen and Landen. Here I'm at the Vertrijk station
In the coming 30 minutes, there will be a lot of trains.
The locomotive driver is saying hello

Gas and oil are transported here today

Double Class 78

The first time I spot a Medway locomotive outside Italy

Most of the Traxx MS, Class 186 are leased from Alpha Trains

RTB Cargo

SNCB Class AM86, manufactured by BN Bruges – ACEC in 1986


193 485

193 312
Das ist grün

186 252

Out of traffic, onto rail

193 351

186 425

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